Classes are free and open to anyone (17+) even if you’re not sure if you want a permit or if you already have a permit and just want a refresher class. However, all students must register.

The application fee for first-time adult applicants (21+) is $53.25 for Utah residents and $63.25 for non-residents.

The Provisional Permit application fee for Utah residents (ages 18 to 20) is $53.25 and $63.25 for non-residents.

The state of Utah requires fingerprints and photos to be submitted with the application. For your convenience, fingerprinting and photo services will be offered in class as an optional service for $20 cash. Getting this done in class will save you time and money.

Please do not bring firearms, ammunition, children or infants to class.

Class will be held at the Provo City Library at 550 North University Avenue, Provo, Utah 84601.

Please use an email address you wish to receive important class information at. Contact me if you don’t receive an email immediately after registering.